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AI Tools for Information Professionals - 12 months on!

Join our UK based presenter Phil Bradley to explore where AI search is at 12 months on from our last session.

Event Description

Join our UK based presenter Phil Bradley to explore where AI search is at 12 months on from our last session. Phil will spend time looking at new search engines, ChatGPT’s enhanced functionality, and introduce us to a variety of new tools to explore.

Presenter: Phil Bradley

Bio: Phil Bradley is a British freelance librarian and internet consultant, specializing in advanced internet search, social media, multimedia tools and more recently artificial intelligence. He provides consultancy services to improve organizations' social media presence and speaks at conferences, staff days, and AGMs. Phil is the author of over a dozen books on librarianship and the internet, including "Expert Internet Searching". He has worked with search engine companies, corporate businesses, charities, universities, schools, libraries, and government departments to improve their search experiences in his 33 years of working with the internet. Phil is also a Past President of CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) and contributes articles to professional magazines and publications.


Thursday, 25 July 2024   (VIC, NSW, QLD, ACT, TAS)  3.30pm - 5.00pm 

                                             (SA & NT)  3.00pm - 4.30pm

                                             (WA)  1.30pm - 3.00pm

                                             (NZ)  5.30pm - 7.00pm


Online webinar Zoom - a link will be sent the day prior.

This session will be recorded and shared following the event.


ALIA Members - $70

Non-members - $140

 By registering for this webinar you are granting the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and its representatives the right to use, reproduce, and publish audio and video recordings of your participation in the webinar titled "AI Tools for Information Professionals - 12 months on!” held on July 25 2024. By registering you are indicating that you understand and agree that these recordings may be used for promotional, educational, and informational purposes, including but not limited to, marketing materials, online platforms, social media, and any other medium deemed appropriate by ALIA.


More information

p.    1800 020 071



Cancellation Policy

Registrations up to 3 weeks prior = full refund
Registrations between 1-2 weeks prior = 50% refund
Registrations cancelled 1 week prior or later = no refund
Registrations can be transferred to other individuals at no cost (in the same registration category).  
Contact [email protected] for information.


25/07/2024 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time


Event Code
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