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Research for a knowledge profession

ALIA LARK’s biennial symposium 2024 is about Australian and international connections.

Event Overview

ALIA LARK’s biennial symposium 2024 is about Australian and international connections. This is the first time that LARK is hosting a symposium outside of Sydney.  The event is associated with the IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) Summit in Brisbane. LARK is delighted to use this opportunity to connect with our colleagues from across Australia and around the world. Members of IFLA’s Library and Research Theory Section will be our special guests with a dedicated slot on our program.

Name: Research for a knowledge profession: LARK Symposium 2024
When: 3 October 2024
Where: State Library of Queensland

More details:

Registration Fees

$120 ALIA members, students* and speakers*

$150 Non-ALIA members

*Non-ALIA-member students and speakers - please contact [email protected] to book your place at this event.

Only card payments are accepted. If you require an invoice before paying, please contact [email protected]

Cancellation Policy

Registrations $10 and under = no refund due to administrative costs
Registrations up to 3 weeks prior = full refund
Registrations between 1-3 weeks prior = 50% refund
Registrations cancelled 1 week prior or less = no refund
Registrations can be transferred to other individuals at no cost (in the same registration category).
Contact [email protected] for information.

3/10/2024 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
E. Australia Standard Time
State Library of Queensland Cultural Precinct, Stanley Pl SOUTH BRISBANE, QLD 4101 AUSTRALIA


Event Code
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If you are a staff member of an institution please login using your work email address. If you have any issues, please contact your ALIA institutional membership Company Administrator.

If you are still having difficulties logging in, please contact [email protected].

Help us increase opportunities for First Nations colleagues 

ALIA is working towards increasing opportunities and removing barriers for our First Nations library and information sector colleagues to participate in our conferences and events, and has established a bursary for First Nations event attendance. If you would like to contribute to this effort, please select a gift amount below. Please note that gifts to the bursary are not eligible for tax deduction.

$25 gift to bursary

$25 gift to bursary

$100 gift to bursary

$100 gift to bursary

$50 gift to bursary

$50 gift to bursary

$250 gift to bursary

$250 gift to bursary