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Cataloguing for Practitioners

Intensive practical cataloguing course

Course Overview

The great challenge of this digital age we find ourselves in is to ensure that what we do - the collection, preservation and management of information is done in a consistent manner which ensures it is identified and accessible in the future. Cataloguing remains one of the best tools we have to guarantee that information, irrespective of its format or content, can be accessed and understood.

The course content is designed to provide you with as much practical experience of cataloguing principles and practices as possible within the timeframe of 6 weeks.

The competencies gained from successfully completing BSBINS516 - Undertake cataloguing activities form part of:

  • BSB50520 - Diploma of Library and Information Services

Upon successfully completing the course, you will receive an official academic transcript from TAFE NSW, RTO 90003, showing you have met the unit's requirements (BSBINS516 - Undertake cataloguing activities).

Entry requirements: PLEASE NOTE that this is an intensive course (6 weeks). If you are a cataloguing novice, or have minimal cataloguing experience or have not practiced cataloguing in the recent past, we strongly recommend that you do the beginner’s course: Cataloguing for beginners - an introduction to cataloguing for novices before you undertake this course.

Course Content

  • Identify and apply the current national and international standards used in constructing a catalogue record such as RDA, ISBD and MARC
  • Identify and construct the various elements to be considered when cataloguing resources acquired by libraries. As this is a short course, the examples used in practical exercises will focus mostly on print and digital (e-book) text resources
  • Identify availability of existing bibliographic records for same or similar items
  • Edit bibliographic records according to local policies and procedures
  • Select and use appropriate web-based resources in the cataloguing process
  • Understand and apply local policies for cataloguing to meet client needs or specific requirements of different parts of the collection
  • Understand the need for ongoing maintenance of catalogues as part of a library’s services

Right for you if...

you are interested in understanding more about the cataloguing process and the standards and tools used in this area, particularly the transition to the RDA standard. The course will provide a forum allowing participants to discuss some of the latest developments in online public-access catalogues and web catalogues, such as the use of discovery layers.

Course Delivery

Training is conducted by TAFE NSW through online delivery.

Participants will connect with each other through forum discussions.

There are no specific times you need to be available.

The time investment is 5 hours per week of structured study, this includes the completion of assessment tasks. Some individuals may elect to spend additional time on their own research and study. 30 hours is indicative for Cataloguing for Practitioners.

Students receive a Unit Assessment Guide, which outlines the requirements for the unit, grading etc. This guide includes the number of assessments and due dates. Participants will receive formal assessment guidelines for each assessment and will receive formal feedback sheets.

The course is designed to be completed in 6 weeks but as it is developed to be self-paced, it can be finished earlier or later depending on your learning styles and needs. If you wish to vary the usual time taken, please discuss this with your teacher at the outset.

No specific hardware and software, other than a computer with internet access, is required for this course.

Access to any online cataloguing tools will be made available to students via the course.

In partnership with...

Our training partner for this course is TAFE NSW. TAFE NSW is the leading provider of vocational education and training in Australia. Each year, more than 500,000 students enrol in their nationally recognised courses and training.


What to expect once you have registered

Following the close of registrations, which is 20 February (midnight), we will be in contact with you before the course commences to provide you with further information about the next steps of enrolment: TAFE student registration and Moodle login set up.


Registrations Close Tuesday 20 February 2024


More information

p.    1800 020 071

e.    [email protected]


Cancellation Policy

Registrations up to 3 weeks prior = full refund
Registrations between 1-2 weeks prior = 50% refund
Registrations cancelled 1 week prior or later = no refund
Registrations can be transferred to other individuals at no cost (in the same registration category).  
Contact [email protected] for information.

27/02/2024 - 8/04/2024
Online registration not available.


Event Code
There are no records.

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Not a personal member? Join Online or to continue as a non-member Create an account.

If you are a staff member of an institution please login using your work email address. If you have any issues, please contact your ALIA institutional membership Company Administrator.

If you are still having difficulties logging in, please contact [email protected].

Help us increase opportunities for First Nations colleagues 

ALIA is working towards increasing opportunities and removing barriers for our First Nations library and information sector colleagues to participate in our conferences and events, and has established a bursary for First Nations event attendance. If you would like to contribute to this effort, please select a gift amount below. Please note that gifts to the bursary are not eligible for tax deduction.

$25 gift to bursary

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$100 gift to bursary

$100 gift to bursary

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$50 gift to bursary

$250 gift to bursary

$250 gift to bursary