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Please check that all Staff to be registered for this event are showing in your institution Contacts list in the Member Centre.  If not, please use the “Add Contacts” button before returning to the Events area to register.  This will ensure a smooth registration process and application of discounted member pricing.



Our Source of Strength: The Library Workforce in Tasmania

ALIA Library & Information Week (LIW) is the week where we celebrate the work that library and information workers do all around Australia.

Event Description

ALIA Library & Information Week (LIW) is the week where we celebrate the work that library and information workers do all around Australia. The 2023 theme is ‘Where’s the Source’ and ALIA Island would like to celebrate our library workforce in Tasmania – our source of strength.

Head along to IMAS on Wednesday 2 August for a networking event hosted by ALIA Island and the University of Tasmania. The event is designed for people working in libraries across sectors to come together, connect and learn from each other. There will be opportunity to network, and hear a series of lightning talks from speakers across the library and information sector.


Wednesday, 2 August 2023   Arrive from 4:30pm for nibbles and networking. Official proceedings from 5pm to 6pm.                                               


Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) - Rori Room

20 Castray Esplanade, Battery Point, Hobart


ALIA Members - FREE

Non-Members - $10


Jacqui Lucas – ALIA Professional Learning Teacher Librarian
CPD, supporting capability building and mentoring
Sallie Clark - ASLA School Library Advocate Award Winner (2023)
The importance of school libraries and the skills and knowledge brought by library professionals
Jen Johnson
Transferability of skills across professions - from schools into public libraries
Jan Richards
I am passionate about libraries, particularly public libraries
Lucy Hawthorne – Librarian, Writer, Artist, Researcher
Complimentary skills in the library sector
Eve Miller –Registered Nurse with a specialisation in critical care and emergency medicine
Studying a Masters in Library & Information Management with the hope of working in a Health Library
Janette Burke – UTAS University Librarian
The challenges faced and the importance of working together to build Tasmania's library sector (cross institutional knowledge sharing and collaboration)

More information

p.    1800 020 071



Cancellation Policy

Registrations $10 and under = no refund due to administrative costs
Registrations can be transferred to other individuals at no cost (in the same registration category).  
Contact [email protected] for information.


2/08/2023 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Rori Room 20 Castray Esplanade, Battery Point HOBART, TAS AUSTRALIA
Online registration not available.


Event Code
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If you are a staff member of an institution please login using your work email address. If you have any issues, please contact your ALIA institutional membership Company Administrator.

If you are still having difficulties logging in, please contact [email protected].

Help us increase opportunities for First Nations colleagues 

ALIA is working towards increasing opportunities and removing barriers for our First Nations library and information sector colleagues to participate in our conferences and events, and has established a bursary for First Nations event attendance. If you would like to contribute to this effort, please select a gift amount below. Please note that gifts to the bursary are not eligible for tax deduction.

$25 gift to bursary

$25 gift to bursary

$100 gift to bursary

$100 gift to bursary

$50 gift to bursary

$50 gift to bursary

$250 gift to bursary

$250 gift to bursary