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Mis & disinformation in Australian academic libraries

Mis and disinformation, a perennial hot potato! Join us for a Research Review Seminar to hear Dr Nicole Johnston discuss her research into how university library staff are dealing with mis and disinformation

Join us for a Research Review Seminar with Dr Nicole Johnston (Edith Cowan University).

Dr Nicole Johnston was awarded an ALIA Research Grant to carry out research into the impact and management of mis and disinformation in Australian university libraries.  

In 2022, Nicole interviewed a number of university library managers who manage collections or library services and surveyed university library staff. Nicole will discuss the findings of her research, the resource toolkit she developed, and recommendations for key industry stakeholders to support Library staff teach information and media literacy skills and manage mis and disinformation in collections.  

Dr Nicole Johnston is Associate University Librarian at Edith Cowan University and was elected to the ALIA Board member in 2023.   

Read the full article in the Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association here:   

You can read the snapshot report here: 

There will be time for questions at the end of the session. If you would like to send questions ahead of the webinar, please send them to [email protected] by Monday 9 October. 

You will receive the Zoom link the day before the event. 

The ALIA Research Review Seminar Series provides a platform for academic and practitioner researchers to share and discuss their work and projects with the wider library and information sector community. ALIA endeavours to support the process of research being translated into practice by bringing researchers together with professional practitioners and on-the-ground workers in an engaging, informal setting. If you would like to discuss your research or have an idea for the series, contact: [email protected] 


11/10/2023 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
AUS Eastern Daylight Time


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ALIA is working towards increasing opportunities and removing barriers for our First Nations library and information sector colleagues to participate in our conferences and events, and has established a bursary for First Nations event attendance. If you would like to contribute to this effort, please select a gift amount below. Please note that gifts to the bursary are not eligible for tax deduction.

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