ALIA Victoria

ALIA Victoria facilitates communication and networking among Victorian library and information professionals through formal and informal functions. ALIA Victoria aims to support ALIA members from across Victoria, and encourages links and interaction between professional bodies across the GLAMR sector. Activities relate to a wide range special interest areas impacting libraries and library workers in Victoria.

ALIA VIC Terms of Reference 

Group interest Melbourne, Victoria

State VIC

Community page ALIA Victoria members community

Contact The ALIA Vic Secretary


James Baker - Co-Convenor

I’m a librarian at the Melbourne Athenaeum Library, Victoria’s oldest library, where I handle the cataloguing, website, social media, and graphic novels acquisitions. I'm also an educator in the Diploma of Library and Information Services course at Swinburne VET. I’m passionate about libraries as spaces for a wide range of activities, including sharing interests, participating in events, and discovering (and rediscovering) the value of play. I believe that these can be achieved without taking away from the traditional role of libraries to distribute learning and enjoyment through the medium of the printed word.

Ellen Coates - Co-Convenor

I’m the collections librarian at the Prahran Mechanics’ Institute Victorian History Library. The PMI is a specialist history library and I love being involved in actively preserving and protecting the history of Victoria. I'm also a casual academic at CSU. I was on the organisational committee for NLS9 as well as Librarians for Refugees, and I joined ALIAVic because I believe interconnectedness across the GLAMR sector is essential (and I love meeting other GLAMR people). I’m an historian (medieval history nerd) and a writer. I run the blog Historical Ragbag, it’s a mixture of medieval and Australian history, and I write fiction. I can be found on twitter at @BiblioEll.

Michael Barry – Group Secretary

I'm a primary school library technician working between two schools, one in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, and one in the Eastern suburbs. Prior to entering the library industry in 2016, I have worked in hospitality, retail, warehousing, a cardboard box factory, international quarantine compliance, sandwich assembly, and office management. I am fascinated by classification systems and ways to organise information, and passionate about children's fiction and picture books, and languages and linguistics.

Emily Shumborski – Group Treasurer 

 I currently work at State Library Victoria, where I lead statewide development projects in collaboration with Public Libraries Victoria and manage organisational initiatives for SLV. These projects involve substantial investments aimed at advocating for and supporting public libraries in meeting the diverse needs of their communities. I have a passion for the democratization of information and equitable access to libraries and am committed to advancing these principles in my work. I enjoy networking and collaborating with colleagues in the GLAM sector, seeking opportunities for professional development and knowledge sharing. My dedication to the libraries led me to join ALIAVic, where I will actively contribute to the development of the sector and promote the vital role of libraries in society.

Jade Koekoe

I have been working around libraries and museums since 2012, with my first volunteer gig at Melbourne museum as a gallery explainer. I love being in an industry where it’s almost a requirement to be curious and love researching! 

I finished my Bachelor of the Arts (Librarianship and Corporate information Management) in 2018, but before I had even done that, I worked in the Australian Parliamentary Library in Canberra, been ALIA’s ACT State Manager, was part of the committee that put together the ALIA’s NLS9 conference, been the first ALIA Student and Newgrad representative in Canberra, revitalised the social media presence of Museums Australia ACT branch as a committee member, hosted and planned dozens of workshops and spoken at quite a few events too. All because of my involvement with ALIA and Museums Australia. Almost makes you think it’s a good idea to be in the loop eh?