ALIA Rare Books and Special Collections



ALIA Rare Books and Special Collections is a forum for library and information professionals who are responsible for and interested in rare books and special collections. The group provides an opportunity for discussion and the exchange of information on rare books as well as other special collections including ephemera, manuscripts, maps and pictorial materials. Our focus is on the collection, description, preservation, interpretation, promotion and use of these materials.


Group interest Rare books and special collections

Group category Special interest

State National

Maggie Patton
Morgan Burgess
Sarah Morley 


Convenor: Maggie Patton (Head of Collection Acquisition & Curation, State Library of New South Wales) @MaggiePatts

Secretary: Hayley Webster (Manager, Library, Strategic Information & Compliance, Museums Victoria) Hayley Webster | LinkedIn

Events/ALIA Liaison: Morgan Burgess (Special Collections Librarian, University of Newcastle)

New South Wales: Sarah Morley (Coordinator, Published Collection, State Library of New South Wales) @SarahJMorley

Queensland: Simon Farley (Fryer Librarian, Fryer Library, University of Queensland)

Western Australia: Robyn Schofield (Access Librarian, St Teresa's Library, University of Notre Dame Australia)

ACT: Susan Thomas (Assistant Curator, Special Collections, University of New South Wales, Canberra)


Have you joined the ALIA Rare Books and Special Collections elist?



Melbourne Rare Book Week
18th – 27th July 2024, Melbourne
The Melbourne Rare Book Week is an exciting program of free talks, workshops and tours that celebrate the importance of books, publishing, book production and collecting, and will be held at venues across Melbourne. It will culminate with the Melbourne Rare Book Fair at Wilson Hall, University of Melbourne, from Thursday 24th July.
Bookings for the week’s events will open on Thursday 23rd May 2024 here:

IFLA Information Futures Summit
30th September – 3rd October 2024, Brisbane
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions’ 2024 Information Futures Summit is being held in Brisbane this year with the theme ‘Stronger Together’. It is a new kind of event for IFLA, focused on bringing the energy, expertise and rich diversity of our field together to find solutions to the information challenges facing us today. A dynamic programme will mix inspiring keynote speakers from inside and outside our field with open discussions, unconference sessions and ideas exchanges in order to allow participants maximum opportunity to share their own experiences and insights. Check out the programme for more information.
Registrations are open now:

BSANZ Conference Bibliomania: Stories from Inside and Outside the Book
4 – 5th December 2024, Canberra

The Bibliographic Society of Australia and New Zealand’s Annual Conference will be held at the National Library of Australia this year and will focus on the topic of the stories behind the book. Mass-printed or bespoke, digital or physical, books convey information. They are also objects with stories to tell beyond their text, particularly in their physical form. Inside and outside, they carry traces of those stories. They may tell us about the people and technologies that made them, or the people whose hands they have passed through. They take on lives of their own. The Conference will be held at the National Library of Australia, Canberra, on 4–5 December 2024, with a Rare Books Librarians Day on the morning of 6 December 2024, for those working with rare books collections.

The Call for Papers for Bibliomania: Stories from Inside and Outside the Book is open until 30th June; 200 – 300 word abstracts, accompanied by a 100 word biography should be addressed to Dr Susannah Helman at [email protected].


Next event TBA


American Library Association (US) Rare Books and Manuscripts Section

Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand

Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (UK) Rare Books and Special Collections Group

International Federation of Library Associations (Intl) Rare Books and Special Collections Section