ALIA Resource Sharing


ALIA Resource Sharing Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to facilitate networking, support professional development and resources with a focus on Resource Sharing for the Library and Information sector.  This may include professional learning and social events through to the creation and revision of sector resources specifically the Australian Interlibrary Resource Sharing (ILRS) Code.

ALIA Resource Sharing SIG aims to bring together and enable members with an interest in Resource Sharing to engage, participate, develop and advise in relation to the area of interest. 

Executive Committee

Linda Marchesani (Chair)
Anne Laidlaw
Amanda Magnussen
Cheryl Hamill
Debra Gilmore
Karen Vinoles
Margarita Moreno
Penelope Sherrell
Trish Hepworth (Deputy CEO, ALIA).

Interlibrary Lending Resource Sharing Code

The ALIA Board approved annual increases to the ILRS Code fees based on the ABS CPI increases.

The Interlibrary Resource Sharing (ILRS) Code recommended fees are updated annually based on the CPI increases announced by the ABS for the March quarter and implemented from the beginning of the new financial year, ie 1 July. The ALIA Interlibrary Lending Advisory Committee recommends the fee increases to the ALIA Board and alerts the Interlibrary lending and resource sharing community via ALIA websites and various elists. 

Committee Activities


For more information contact: [email protected]