ALIA University and Research Libraries ACT

ALIA URLs (ACT), (Universities and Research Libraries’ Group), provides a networking and information-sharing forum for all levels of library staff interested in issues and trends affecting the development of university and research libraries. The group organises professional development and training opportunities and provides a network of communication and support. ALIA URLs aims to enhance inter-institutional information exchange within the region, and liaises with other relevant organisations. Planned activities include seminars, meetings with guest speakers, and workshops on topics relevant to the sector.


The Group is seeking a 2024 Executive Committee 

Group interest University and Research Libraries

State ACT

Community page ALIA University and Research Libraries ACT members community

Annette McGuiness


Fires, Floods and Failures: Future Proofing against Disaster - | Wednesday, 1 May 2019


Strange bedfellows: partnerships and collaborations in the age of digital disruption | September 2017

Lunchtime Talk: Information Online wrap-up | April 2017


ALIA URLs Data and libraries: harnessing the possibilities Seminar | 2016

ALIA URLs Lunchtime talk | May 2016


ALIA URLs/AGLIN Change, Challenges and Opportunities: Recasting Your Library Skills Seminar | 2015


ALIA URLs Advocacy for Libraries Seminar | 2014


ALIA URLs Libraries and Social Media Seminar | 2013