For the love of Lib Techs - meet the ALIA National Lib Tech Executive Committee

With the 50th anniversary of Australia’s Library Technician qualification coming up, we’re taking a moment to celebrate the Library Technicians (Lib Techs) working in the LIS sector and those supporting our ALIA Groups and Committees.

In the words of Chloe Delaney, the 2024 Library Technician of the Year Award winner – we want to “acknowledge the work that all library technicians contribute to the commmunity. Whether it be quality customer service, research contributions, outreach, readers’ advisory and so on”.  Hear more from Chloe Delaney in the video below – where she speaks about what the award means to her, why she loves working in the LIS sector, and some of the initiatives she has been working on since starting at Carindale Library in QLD:

Lib Techs are innovative, creative and essential! So many of ALIA’s Groups and Committees are led by energetic and committed Lib Techs and most exciting of all, there is a brand new ALIA National Library Technicians Group - formed to provide opportunities for Australia’s Lib Techs to connect, collaborate and feel part of a community. The National Lib Tech Group’s Executive Committee formed in May 2024 and will plan engagement activities for the second half of the year. Meet the committee members below:


Chloe Delaney - Co-Convenor

Chloe currently works in public libraries as a library technician and has experience working across many aspects of the GLAM sector including museums, subscriptions, and school libraries.

Chloe has a keen interest in wellbeing and mental health in libraries and looks to find ways that teams can establish and build resilience during challenging times. In her spare time, she likes to play hockey, craft, and of course does a lot of reading.  Her favourite genre is suspense fiction, and she enjoys a good classic novel or something with a philosophical theme.  Her favourite authors include Grady Hendrix, Stephen King and Mitch Albom.

Chloe was awarded the ALIA Library Technician of the year award for 2024 and is excited to work with library technicians and industry professionals to keep libraries fresh and engaging for our valued communities.


Matthew Griffiths - Co-Convenor

Matthew has been with the library and information industry for over 30 years, majority working in public libraries. He has been involved with ALIA for 25 years and getting the 25-year pin was an honour!

Matthew has also volunteered with St John Ambulance Australia for over 30 years. He is currently Senior Library Assistant at The Whitlam Library with Fairfield City Council.

Matthew is looking forward to working with people across Australia as part of the National Library Technicians Group - enhancing and bringing LTs into the forefront of libraries and what they do to contribute.


Adriana Felsztynski – Secretary

Adriana is a qualified library technician who initially pursued studies in librarianship and information studies due to her passion for literature and community services. As a daughter of refugees, Adriana is seeking to contribute to the development of multicultural services and awareness across libraries in the future and has a particular interest in fostering literacy amongst bilingual and multilingual communities in libraries across Australia.

As a volunteer with the Jane Austen Literacy Foundation, Adriana is also seeking to broaden literacy opportunities amongst disadvantaged youth within global communities by continuing to support the foundation’s key initiative in providing access to literacy support and literature and expand those opportunities within affected Australian communities. Another key area that Adriana is interested in learning more about is the practice of bibliotherapy and advocating for the practice across libraries.


Michella McIntosh – Treasurer

During high school, Michella’s job was shelving books at the local library. She realised what an amazing community resource a library was and wanted to value add back to the community by working within one. After working in Local Government library's for over 8 years, Michella decided to accept a job working in a school, where the students ranged from Early Learning up to year 12. In 2022 Michella was awarded the 2022 Library Technician of the Year and it was an extraordinary career moment. She cannot wait to represent you as part of the new ALIA National Library Technicians Group.


Hayley Hillson - Social Media Manager

Hayley Hillson has recently expanded into the role of Lecturer Library Studies at TAFE SA. With a dedication to education and extensive experience within library settings spanning 16 years as a library technician in both VET (Vocational Education and Training) and higher education, she emerges as a guiding figure in the field. Throughout her career, she has served as a source of inspiration and support for numerous students, educators, and researchers. An integral aspect of her professional journey has involved participation in the ALIA SA Committee, where she has contributed her insights, and innovative ideas to propel the library profession forward and cultivate a dynamic library community in South Australia.


BriAmber McErvale - Executive Committee

A qualified library technician, this is BriAmber’s second time on an ALIA Committee, having been a founding member of the Children’s and Youth Services Sector (CYSS) between 2014 and 2016 helping support Australian book publishing, writers and illustrators, advocating for relevant PD opportunities and promoting innovative ideas, programs and events. BriAmber’s experience spans fifteen years and is skilled in cataloguing and classification, research, referencing and digital literacy. She is passionate about music, singing, learning, and loves educating tomorrow’s generation. She is thrilled to professionally represent ALIA again and network with other likeminded and innovative Australian library technicians.