Research Grant Award

Every two years, beginning in 2024, funds of up to $10,000 are available to ALIA Members wishing to undertake a research project. This has changed from the annual $5,000, in recognition of the investment of time and resources required for substantial research projects.

The purpose of the Award is to enable the recipient to undertake a research program on a selected library or information issue of present and future relevance to the development and improvement of library and information services in Australia. The research may include preliminary work, local or overseas visits and/or consultations, attachment to another organisation, preparation of a publication, etc. It is expected that the research project will provide an opportunity for self development as well as benefit the recipient's institution and present position.

The research grant is open to library practitioners and early career LIS academics* who are members of ALIA. The review committee encourages projects from practitioners, early career academics, a team of both, as well as broader research groups. However, it is essential that the lead investigator is an ALIA member. Research students may apply to fund a component of their study conducted as part of their university course. In this case, the study component must be defined as a distinct project. Members of the ALIA Research Advisory Committee are eligible to apply but will not be present in meetings when research awards are discussed.

The successful recipient is required to provide reports  to the ALIA Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and meet milestones within a specified timeframe:

During the project

  • submit a written report six months after commencing (using the template)
  • give a presentation to the Research Advisory Committee one year after commencing
  • submit a written report eighteen months after commencing (using the template)
  • submit a written report at the twenty-four month mark

  Upon project completion 

  • within four months of completion of the study, a report outlining the aims, purposes, methodology and outcomes of the study and its benefits to the individual, institution and broader profession.
  • within six months of completion of the study, a comprehensive report which may be published in the Journal of the Australian Library Association, other ALIA publication or presented at an ALIA conference.
  • within twelve months of completion of the study, contribute to two Research Review Seminars, one detailing the application experience and the other on the impact and application of the study to the broader profession.

Nominations will be considered by the ALIA Research Advisory Committee for recommendation to the Board of Directors.

In awarding the research grant, ALIA reserves the right to make broad adjustments to the proposed project to ensure optimal relevance for the association and the wider profession.

*As a guide, Early Career Researchers (ECR) are researchers who are within five years of the start of their research careers when they submit their applications. This normally means that you have been awarded a PhD or equivalent research doctorate within five years, however, an extension to this limit may be approved owing to significant career interruptions (Australian Research Council).

Entry forms (both parts must be completed):


Ethics form for completion when requested by the ALIA Research Advisory Committee:

Entries are open from 1 February to 1 July every two years, on the even-numbered year. The assessment process takes approximately eight weeks, with the successful candidate confirmed in September.

Award nomination type Self nominated

Closing date 1-7-24 5:00pm