
Important note: AARL and ALJ are no longer published. Previous issues can be accessed through Routledge Taylor and Francis. The Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association (JALIA) is now the premier research journal of the Australian Library and Information Association. 


Print ISSN: 2475-0158 Online ISSN: 2475-0166

The Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association is the flagship journal of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). It is a quarterly publication for information science researchers, information professionals, related disciplines and industries. The Journal aims to stimulate discussion and inform practice by showcasing original peer reviewed research articles and other scholarly papers about, or relevant to, the Australian and Southern Asia Pacific regions. Authors from the full range of information professions and areas of scholarship are invited to contribute their work to the Journal.

You can subscribe to JALIA here or access your subscription from Member Resources (when you are logged in).

Peer review statement: All Research and Research-in-Practice articles in JALIA have undergone double-blind peer review. Information-in-practice papers will undergo editorial screening.

The JALIA Working Group

The ALIA Board has formed a Working Group that is investigating and advising the ALIA Board on the optimal future publishing options for the Association’s journal The Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association (JALIA) as per the  Terms of Reference. The Working Group will deliver recommendations to the ALIA Board by December 2024.

How to get a copy of JALIA

  • Visit a library which subscribes to JALIA to read the journal.
  • Subscription to JALIA is offered through Routledge/Taylor and Francis - read this for more information.
  • Purchase a twelve month subscription directly from our online store.
    • If you are an ALIA personal Member, there is a generous discount offered on the annual subscription of JALIA.
      (Four issues per year, online-only access – $39.60)

Important note: Subscriptions purchased through Taylor and Francis at the personal rate are strictly for personal, non-commercial use only. The reselling of personal subscriptions is prohibited and once the personal subscription is purchased it cannot be provided to a physical or digital library to substitute for a full library subscription. 

Green open access

  • ALIA journals are green open access through Routledge/Taylor and Francis.
  • For current content, authors may post their Author Accepted Manuscript on their institutional repository with zero embargo

Members of the JALIA Editorial Board:

Mary Anne Kennan
(Chair, Editor)
BA UNE, GDipLib, RCAE, MBT, PhD UNSW, AALIA, FALIA, Charles Sturt University 
Bhuva Narayan
(Associate Editor)
BA (Hons) Chatham, GradDip (Publishing) Harvard-Radcliffe, MLIS UPitt, PhD QUT, University of Technology Sydney 
Edward Luca
(Associate Editor)
BA, MBA UTS, AALIA(CP), University of Sydney
Philip Hider BSc Hons LSE, MLib U Wales, PhD City U London, FCLIP, AALIA, Charles Sturt University
Andrew Cox BA Open, MA TVU, MSc UWA, MA Open, MEd Sheffield, PhD Loughborough, FCLIP, University of Sheffield
Alison Fields BA Canterbury, BTheol Otago, DipLibr Victoria, MA Victoria, EdD Otago, FLIANZA, Infosolutions Ltd
Jenny Fink BA (Lib) Ballarat, GCertBusManBallarat, AALIA, City of Ballarat
Anne Goulding BA Hons Leeds, MA, PhD Sheffield, Victoria University of Wellington
John Kennedy BA, DipASydney, DipLibUNSW, MLibWales, PhD Sydney, AALIA,Adjunct Charles Sturt University
Philip Kent BA UQ, GradDipLibSc QIT, MBA UQ, AALIA,The University of Sydney
Patrick O’Connor BA Hons UQ, GradCertClinEdFlin, GradDipLibSciQUT, MAppSci(Inf) CSU, AALIA (CP)Queensland Health
Fiona Russell BA, BSci UniMelb, GDIM RMIT, AALIA (CP), Deakin University
Shirley Wong DipofTeach(P) UniMelb, GDipLib UniMelb, GCertUniTeach UniMelb, AALIA
Ian McCallum (Book Review Editor) BA (Hons) Monash, DipLib UNSW, FALIA (DCP), Libraries Alive! Pty Ltd
Sherrey Quinn (Book Review Editor) BA Sydney, DipLib UNSW, FALIA (DCP), Libraries Alive! Pty Ltd

JALIA publishes reviews of books and digital resources of interest to practitioners, researchers and educators.

If you are interested in reviewing titles for JALIA, or would like to suggest a title for review, please email the Book Reviews Editors, Ian McCallum and Sherrey Quinn. If you have not previously contributed to JALIA, please include a brief (maximum one page) c.v. indicating relevant interests and expertise.

Publishing in JALIA

Instructions for authors | Manuscripts should be submitted through the Taylor & Francis Editorial Manager Submission Portal

Research student summaries

Library and information science PhD, Masters by Research and Masters Project students are invited to submit a short summary of their research for publication in the Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association. The summaries should be no more than 500 words and provide an overview of the project and work to-date. They are intended for practitioner and researcher readers and will include the research aim, methods and anticipated outcomes. If used, references should be minimal and conform to the APA6th format.

Additional information about the formatting for JALIA is available here. It should be noted that this category does not preclude students submitting papers in other categories if appropriate.

Authors should register and then upload their summary, using the 'Other' paper category, noting the category “Research student project summaries” in their document here.

Publications history 

Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association (2017 – current)

Formerly known as The Australian Library Journal (1951 – 2016) and Australian Academic and Research Libraries (1970 – 2016)

Past Editors and Chairs of the Editorial Boards - list.