Policies, standards and guidelines

ALIA policies and guidelines reflect the general position of the Association on issues that have an impact on the library and information sector, and provide direction and advice to those who choose to consider the policies and guidelines for their own use.

Members can also refer to IFLA standards, which are freely available on the IFLA website.


Education and qualifications

ALIA's role in the education of library and information professionals
Adopted 2005. Reviewed 2009, 2019.

Courses in library and information science
Adopted 2005. Reviewed 2009, 2019.

Employer roles and responsibilities in education and professional development
Adopted 1986. Amended 1996, 2006. Reviewed 2019.

Foundation knowledge, skills and attributes for information professionals working in archives, libraries and records management
Adopted 2014. Amended 2015. Reviewed 2020.

Foundation knowledge for entry-level library and information professionals
Adopted 1998. Amended 2009. Reviewed 2012. Amended 9 December 2014. Updated and adopted December 2020, previously known as 'The Library and Information Sector: Core Knowledge, Skills and Attributes'

Professional development for library and information professionals
Adopted 2005. Reviewed 2009, 2019.

Library and information services

Joint-use libraries
Adopted 1986. Amended 1996, 2002. Reviewed 2009. Amended 2019.

Libraries and information services and Indigenous peoples
Adopted 1995. Amended 2006, 2009.

Library and information services for people with a disability
Adopted 1979. Amended 1986, 1988, 1996, 2002, 2009, 2018.

Public library services
Adopted 2004. Amended 2009, 2018.

Position statement on ebooks and elending
Adopted 2017.

ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) statement on fines for overdue items in Australian public libraries
Adopted 2019.

Professional issues

ALIA International Relations Statement February 2022.

ALIA Disaster Management for Libraries. Part One-Guide (2nd Edition 2019)

ALIA Disaster Management for Libraries. Part Two-Disaster Plan Template (2nd Edition 2019)

ALIA Disaster Scenarios for Staff Training Sessions 2019.

Copyright and intellectual property
Adopted 2001. Amended 2017,  2018.

Information as a commodity
Adopted 1996. Reviewed 2009.

Information literacy for all Australians
Adopted 2001. Amended 2003, 2006.

Libraries and literacies
Adopted 1979. Amended 1996, 2006.

Online content regulation
Adopted 1997. Amended 2001, 2002.

Open access
Adopted 2014. Amended 2018. 

Preservation: the permanence and durability of information products
Adopted 1997. Amended 2009.

Principles of access to Public Sector information
Adopted 1999. Amended 2009, 2019.

School libraries and teacher librarians

ALIA/ASLA policy on information literacy 
Adopted November 1994. Amended February 2009. Revised July 2016 (incorporates Statement on Guided Inquiry and the curriculum).

ALIA/ASLA policy on resource based learning and the curriculum 
Adopted 2009. This policy was decommissioned by the ALIA Board on 26 October 2015.

ALIA/ASLA policy on school library resource provision 
Adopted November 1994. Amended February 2009. Revised July 2016.

ALIA/ASLA policy on school libraries and information and communication technologies 
Adopted February 2009. Replaced Statement on electronic information literacy, 1994. Amended July 2016.

ALIA/ASLA policy on school library resource centre funding 
Adopted November 1994. Amended February 2009. Revised July 2016.

ALIA/ASLA standards of professional excellence for teacher librarians 
Adopted 2004.

ALIA/ASLA statement on library and information services in schools
Adopted  1989. Readopted 2001. Amended February 2009. Revised July 2016.

ALIA/ASLA statement on teacher librarians in Australia 
Adopted 1994. ALIA/ASLA Adopted May 2003. Revised February 2009,  July 2016.

ALIA/ASLA statement on teacher librarian qualifications 
Adopted November 1994. Amended February 2009. Revised July 2016.

Values and ethics

Core values
Adopted 2002. Reviewed 2007. Amended 2018, 2024.

Free access to information
Adopted 2002. Reviewed 2007. Amended 2018.

ALIA Member code of conduct
Adopted 2014. Amended 2018.

ALIA Professional conduct
Adopted 2001. Amended 2007, 2018.

Endorsement of IFLA code of Ethics
Adopted 2012. Reviewed 2018.

This page is accurate as of 21 April 2022 and will be updated as needed