ALIA submissions 


ALIA HLA submission to National Health and Medical Research Council's consultation on the draft Good Institutional Practice Guide

Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society

ALIA APLA Submission on local government sustainability to the Standing Committee on Regional Development, Infrastructure and Transport 

Submission on Modernising Australia's Classification Scheme

Submission to Select Committee on adopting artificial intelligence 

Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters’ inquiry into civics education, engagement, and participation in Australia

Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission on current and emerging threats to transgender human rights 

Submission to Revive First Nations First National Consultation

Submission to the News Media Assistance Program Consultation

The Australian Media Literacy Alliance's Response to the News Media Assistance Program Consultation

Submission in response to the Inquiry into Literacy and Numeracy in ACT Public Schools


Joint submission from ALIA, Council of Australian University Librarians, National and State Libraries Australasia, Australian Society of Archivists and the Council of Australasian Archives and Records Authorities to the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia Decadal Plan for Social Science Research Infrastructure Discussion Paper.

Joint Response from ALIA and National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) to the Draft National Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy Consultation

Submission on the Australian National Persistent Identifier (PID) Strategy from the Australian Library and Information Association

ALIA and CAVAL joint submission to the multicultural framework review

Joint submission from library and information service organisations to the inquiry into the safe and responsible use of AI 

  Read the Australian Government's interim response (17 January 2024)

Joint submission from library and information related organisations to the inquiry into generative artificial intelligence in the Australian education system

Submission to Australian Universities Accord Discussion Paper

ALIA-NSLA submission to the inquiry into the influence of international digital platforms, March 2023

Australian Media Literacy Alliance submission to the inquiry into international digital platforms operated by Big Tech companies, March 2023


A new National Cultural Policy: submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)

A new National Cultural Policy: submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)

Submission in response to the Exposure Draft Copyright Amendment (Access Reform) Bill 2021| February 2022


ALIA Supplementary Submission: Public, Educational and Digital Lending Rights | February 2021

ALIA submission in response to the proposed revisions to NHMRC’s Open Access Policy and Further Guidance | April 2021

ALIA submission in response to the proposed legislative instrument: quality of provider research | April 2021

ALIA-APLA submission in response to the Australian Government National Preventative Health Strategy consultation | April 2021 

ALIA-APLA submission in response to the Australian Government Inquiry into Adult Literacy | March 2021 


ALIA-APLA submission in response to the Australian Government Inquiry into Australia's creative and cultural industries and institutions | October 2020

ALIA submission in response to the Australia Council for the Arts re-imagine discussion paper | October 2020

ALIA response to the Digital Transformation Discussion Paper | October 2020

ALIA submission in response to the Australian Government Disability Standards for Education 2020 review | September 2020

Submission in response to the Australian Government Senate Inquiry into the future of Australia Post's delivery | July 2020

Submission in response to the Senate Inquiry into issues facing diaspora communities in Australia | July 2020

IFLA-ALIA Joint Submission for the Third Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review in Australia | July 2020

Submission in response to the Australian Government Senate Inquiry into COVID-19 | May 2020

Submission in response to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare online consultation for the National Health Information Strategy | March 2020

ALIA response to the review of the Australian Digital Inclusion Index ADII 2.0 | March 2020

Submission in response to the Australian Government Online Safety Legislation Reform Discussion Paper | February 2020

Submission in response to the revision of the Implementation Plan for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023 | February 2020

Submission in response to the Australian Government review of Australian classification regulation | February 2020


Submission in response to the Review of Senior Secondary Pathways into Work, Further Education and Training Discussion Paper | December 2019

Submission in response to the Infrastructure Australia Audit | October 2019

Submission in response to the Office of the National Data Commissioner,  Data Sharing and Release Legislative Reforms Discussion Paper | October 2019

ALIA/APLA submission in response to the Department of Communications Regional Connectivity Program discussion paper | September 2019

Submission in response to the WA Inquiry into Local Government | September 2019

Submission in response to the Senate Inquiry into Nationhood, National Identity and Democracy Discussion Paper | September 2019

Submission in response to the Standards Australia Distribution and Licensing Policy Framework | July 2019

Submission in response to the National Archives of Australia Tune Review | June 2019

Submission in response to the CSIRO Data61 Artificial Intelligence: Australia’s Ethics Framework Discussion Paper | May 2019

Submission in response to the Australian Academy of Humanities Future Humanities Workforce Consultation Paper | May 2019

Submission in response to the review of the ANZ Standard Research Classification | May 2019

Submission in response to the Productivity Commission issues paper ‘The Social and Economic Benefits of Improving Mental Health’ | April 2019

Submission in response to the Australian Government Review of the Higher Education Provider Category Standards | March 2019

Submission in response to the Australian Government Senate Inquiry into ParentsNext | January 2019

Submission in response to the Australian Government IP Australia Inquiry into the Protection of Indigenous Knowledge in the Intellectual Property System | January 2019


Submission in response to the Meeting of Cultural Ministers National Arts and Disability Strategy Discussion Paper | December 2018

ALIA submission in response to the Australian Government Soft Power Review | October 2018

Submission in response to the ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Environment and Transport and City Services Inquiry into ACT Libraries | September 2018

Submission in response to the Australian Human Rights Commission project on Human Rights and Technology | September 2018

Submission in response to the Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee review into telecommunications services in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia | August 2018

Submission in response to the New Australian Government Data Sharing and Release Legislation | August 2018

Submission in response to the Australian Government Independent Review of the Australian Public Service | July 2018

Australian Libraries Copyright Committee submission to the Copyright Modernisation Review consultation | July 2018

Submission to the Australia Government review of the Enhancing Online Safety Act 2015 and Online Content Scheme | July 2018

Submission in response to the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021 Census consultation | April 2018

Submission in response to the Australian Government Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories Inquiry into Canberra's national institutions | April 2018

Submission in response to the Australian Digital Health Agency consultation: National Digital Health Strategy Framework for Action | April 2018

Submission in response to the public consultation on Australia's Second Open Government National Action Plan | March 2018

Submission in response to the Australian Government Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee Inquiry into the United National Sustainable Development Goals, with attachment Australian libraries support the Sustainable Development Goals | March 2018  

Submission in response to the WA Public Libraries Strategy Consultation | March 2018  

Submission in response to the Pacific Islands Forum Regional Consultation | February 2018

Australian Libraries Copyright Committee Submission to the Senate Committee reviewing the Copyright Amendment (Service Providers) Bill 2017 | February 2018


For pre-2018 submissions, contact [email protected]