ALIA Research Advisory Committee

Terms of reference

The ALIA Research Advisory Committee was formed in September 2013 as a successor to the Research Committee. Its terms of reference are to advise the ALIA Board of Directors on all aspects of LIS research theory, policy and practice; matters of interest and concern to ALIA Members relating to research, and the awarding of research grants. It plays an active role in the creation of the ALIA Research Agenda; the further development of research activities for the Association, including conference workshops; producing the research-related information, resources and support that should be available to ALIA Members, and raising awareness of, and contributions to, the ALIA Research Fund.


  • Ellie Sayyad Abdi, Chair — [email protected]
  • Mozhdeh Dehghani
  • Katherine Howard
  • Edward Luca
  • Ania Tait
  • Huan Vo-Tran
  • Liz Walkley Hall
  • Lisa Capps (ALIA Board Liaison)


Research Grant Award

Names and topics of past ALIA Research Grant awardees

Research workshops at major ALIA conferences

Member bios

Dr Ellie Sayyad Abdi (Chair)

Dr Ellie Sayyad Abdi

Organisation: Curtin University
Role: Senior Lecturer (Libraries, Archives, Records and Information Science), ALIA Research Advisory Committee Chair
Research interest: applied research, information literacy, research and practice gap

Dr Mozhdeh Dehghani

Dr Mozhdeh Dehghani

Organisation: Austin Health Sciences Library
Role: Digital Content Coordinator
Research interest: library and information science, medical librarianships, information and knowledge management, inter-organisational collaborative knowledge sharing, mis/disinformation in the health sciences library context, and scientometric analysis.

Dr Katherine Howard

Dr Katherine Howard

Organisation: Intersect Australasia
Role: Digital Research Analyst based at UniSA
Research interest: Information Science; public libraries as public sphere; new and emerging roles for the (library and) information science sector; GLAM; intersection of data science and information science. Principally an Interpretivist researcher.
Twitter @DrKJHoward

Edward Luca

Edward Luca

Organisation: University of Sydney
Role: Associate Director, Academic Services
Research interest: Academic librarianship, scholarly publishing, design thinking, metrification

Lisa Capps

Lisa Capps

Organisation: NT Health Library Services
Role: Education and Outreach Librarian
Research interest: Library and information science, health and government libraries, rural and remote communities - both public and health libraries, future of library services, mis/disinformation especially in the healthcare sector, sustainability

Ania Tait

Ania Tait

Organisation: Library & Archives NT
Role: Assistant Director Education Services
Research interest: applied research, participatory and inclusive approaches, arts-based methods

Dr Huan Vo-Tran

Dr Huan Vo-Tran

Organisation: RMIT University
Role: Senior Lecturer & Postgraduate Program Manager for the Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics.
Research interest: I am a qualitative researcher who’s interests focus on knowledge sharing and digital literacy for the CALD community.
Twitter: @huanvotran

Liz Walkley Hall

Liz Walkley Hall

Organisation: Flinders University
Role: Associate Director, Engagement and Scholarly Communication
Research interest: practitioner research, research in practice, user experience

Past members

The Research Advisory Committee would like to thank previous committee members for their respective past contributions:

  • Deidre Bryson
  • Hamid Jamali
  • Kirsten Thorpe
  • Yazdan Mansourian
  • Tina Du
  • Bhuva Narayan
  • Nicole Johnson